Shockwave therapy

Non-surgical solution to persistent problems

What is Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT)?

Shockwave Therapy is a high-energy sound wave delivered to the tissue using a transmitter.

It is non-invasive, and applied directly to the surface of the skin. At W6 Physiotherapy we use a Masterpuls MP50 Ultra Shockwave Therapy machine manufactured by the Swiss company Storz Medical. It reaches the depth of approximately 6cm below skin level. A series of treatments break down local calcium deposits, increase local blood flow and reduce local pain – facilitating rehab progression.

Is Shockwave Therapy safe and effective?

Shockwave Therapy is clinically proven, used in the NHS, the private sector and in high-profile professional sport centres. It is approved by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) for the treatment of a large number of indications (medical conditions) including tendon-related pain.

Shockwave Therapy, performed by trained physiotherapists, is largely risk-free, although the following side effects can be expected, most of which are resolved within one week of treatment.

Side effects may include the following:

  • Local redness or numbness, pain or mild discomfort
  • Swelling and/or haematoma
  • Petechiae (red spots/rash)
  • Headaches (usually as a result of upper limb treatment)
Please be aware:

during Shockwave Therapy treatment you may experience considerable discomfort for the duration of the treatment, which in most cases lasts approximately two minutes. The intensity of this will depend on your pain threshold. The physiotherapist will try to make the session as comfortable as possible by modifying the treatment parameters. However, once the session is completed, it is likely you will feel immediate pain relief in the treated area.

What conditions can we treat?

Achilles tendinopathy

Heel pain
(Plantar fasciitis)

Jumper’s knee
(Patellar tendinopathy)

Tennis Elbow
(Lateral epicondylitis )

(Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome, gluteus medius tendinopathy)

Shoulder calcific tendonitis
(supraspinatus muscle only)


Proximal hamstring tendinopathy

How many sessions will I need, and what is the success rate?

On average a course of treatment will consist of 3-5 sessions (depending on tendon size i.e. the elbow would be three sessions, the knee – five sessions). The success rate varies between 60-90% and is dependent on several factors.


When Shockwave Therapy might not be suitable for me?

We will not be able to use Shockwave Therapy on patients if one or more of the following applies:

  • On anti-coagulation therapy (Wafrin, Heparin, Clopidrogel )
  • Have bleeding disorders (Haemophilia)
  • If you are a patient under 18 years of age (due to open growth plates)
  • Have acute inflammation & swelling area to be treated (recent flare up, reactive tendinopathy)
  • Have systemic infection & septic infection of joints
  • Have had recent steroid injection(s) into the area (within the last 12 weeks)
  • Confirmed tendon rupture or partial tear of treated tendon (history of trauma & acute weakness)
  • Local implants such us Cardiac pacemakers or hip replacement (for treatment of tissue close to the implant)
  • If you are pregnant or are trying to conceive
  • Have nerve or circulation disorders
  • Malignant tumours (near or in area)

Meet your therapists

  • "Had a terrific session with Jakob - he was extremely thorough and was able to provide an excellent analysis of an issue I had with my knee. Highly recommended."

    Daniel Marget